AI-SEE 1st-Year Review successfully completed









On 10 May 2022, the 1st-Year Review of AI-SEE took place virtually.

To demonstrate the project’s progress achieved in its first year, the Project Coordinator Werner Ritter, Work Package Leaders (WPLs) and Senior Experts on perception systems and simulations met with the Representatives of PENTA Office, Reviewers and Public Authority Representatives.

During the review, inclement weather use cases, the AI-SEE system architecture along with the current status of the sensors hardware development were presented. The main focus was placed on the Cognitive Brain (Fusion platform) based on "Deep Sparse Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Networks" (CNNs) and the simulation work towards artificial datasets generation.

Alongside the presentations and reports, videos and results from the first measurement campaign in the weather chamber of CARISSMA in Ingolstadt were shown.

All in all, the review meeting offered a good overview over the project’s progress and current status. With the final feedback of PENTA still pending, the initial response was very positive, suggesting a productive proceeding of the AI-SEE project.

The next Review Meeting will take place next year in May or June.